The Fremont Bridge
Graveyard of Pacific
Revelstoke Dam
Hanford B-Reactor
Hanford B-Reactor
Dubai 2007
Industrial Venice

Inside the POSCO Steel refinery in Pohang, S. Korea.

The Fremont Bridge
The Fremont Bridge

Built in 1973 for $82 million and modeled after the 1964 Port Mann Bridge in Vancouver, British Columbia, by architects by Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade and Douglas, the Fremont Bridge was the most expensive bridge along the multi-bridge network across the Willamette River, in Portland, Oregon.

Graveyard of Pacific
Graveyard of Pacific

Tracking a container ship in the tumultuous seas at the effluent point of the 2000km Columbia river, to deliver a river pilot to guide the behemoth vessel past the maze of sand bars and up the narrow straights to the Portland Terminal.

Revelstoke Dam
Revelstoke Dam

The Revelstoke Dam(175m high) in Revelstoke, British Columbia is the second of fourteen dams on the 2000-km main stem Columbia River. Built in 1984, a decade after the Grand Coulee Dam in Washington State officially cut off the Salmon flow into their historical spawning grounds in Northern Washington and Idaho as well as British Columbia, Canada. 

Hanford B-Reactor
Hanford B-Reactor

In 1943, at the top-secret Hanford-site, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and DuPont start construction the first full-scale nuclear production facility, specifically to produce plutonium-239 which was use in the first A-bomb test, as well as the material in the "Fat Man" bomb detonated over Nagasaki, Japan on August 9th, 1945.  
Later it was used to produce tritium, used in the first hydrogen bomb test at the Bikini Atoll in 1952.  
Note:  These tumbleweeds are considered contaminated, as is everything in this photo, and will be collected and buried. Furthermore, the whole Hanford Reservation(1,518 sq km) is considered to be the most contaminated site in the USA.

Hanford B-Reactor
Hanford B-Reactor

This is the control station for the reactor.  Kinda reminds you of The Simpsons, right?   

Dubai 2007
Dubai 2007

Dubai is a paradise for skyscraper architects and construction firms. 

Industrial Venice
Industrial Venice

This was really not what I expected to see on the ferry ride from mainland Italy to Venice.